Blog Archives

SwissDecTX 4.04 Released

Geneva, September 28, 2014

Today, we announce the release of the SwissDecTX 4 .04 transmitter, as part as our ongoing commitment to provide the best possible and most up-to-date SwissDec experience to our customers.

The only change from v4.03 is a cosmetic fix in the optional XML-to-HTML conversion, were the status data for the FAK-CAF domain was not styled propely in the HTML output.

SwissDecTX 4.03 Released

Geneva, September 17, 2014

Today, we announce the release of the SwissDecTX 4.03 transmitter, as part as our ongoing commitment to provide the best possible and most up-to-date SwissDec experience to our customers.

Changes from v4.02 includes full support for the ‘Statistic’ domain that has been enabled on SwissDec (thanks to Mário Petráš from P&I AG, who kindly helped validate the feature).

The new version also delivers native support for 64-bit Windows: when deploying the SwissDecTX 4.03 transmitter on a computer running a 64-bit version of Windows, the installer will automatically deploy 64-bit components such as a 64-bit version of the command-line utility (SwissDecTX.exe) and a 64-but version of the DLL interface proxy (SwissDecTX64.dll) in addition to the 32-bit DLL proxy.

Customer applications written to take advantage of 64-bit platforms can now transmit data to SwissDec while staying entirely within the 64-bit domain. Or course, the full compatibility with 32-bit application running on 64-bit Windows is preserved, and nothing has changed regarding the 32-bit world so the SwissDecTX 4.03 transmitter is fully backward-compatible and a drop-in replacement for all previous SwissDecTX 4 versions.

This release also include minor internal adaptations in preparation for the up-coming SwissDecTX Gateway add-in, a high-performance, high-volume software gateway enabling SwissDec transmission from computers not directly connected to the internet and/or running on virtually any platform, including non-Windows operating systems. The gateway also enables high throughput local queuing of SwissDec declarations and background, decoupled transmission using a very simple yet robust file-based protocol.

SwissDecTX Gateway details released

Geneva, 7 September 2014

We are pleased to release the details of the SwissDecTX Gateway software add-in to the SwissDecTX transmitter 4.x

Designed for high-volume, performance and stability, the gateway add-in enables salary applications not running on the Windows operating system and/or not directly connected to the internet to communicate with SwissDec effortlessly, using a simple file-based protocol .

Read all the details on the new page dedicated to the Gateway add-in!

Image Gallery Added

Geneva, 9 April 2014

An image gallery has been added to the site, check it out! You will find screenshots of the Test & Configuration tool, as well as screen shots of the developer’s help file (API documentation) as well as a screen shot from our internal testing .

Note that the API documentation CHM help file for developers can be downloaded directly from this site (and is also part of the product downloads).

SwissDecTX 4.02 Released

Geneva, 8 April 2014

Today, we announce the release of the SwissDecTX 4.02 transmitter.

Changes from v4.01 includes translated XSLT stylesheets in German, Italian and French.

The transmitter now automatically selects the localized stylesheet to use when formatting replies, from the <LanguageCode> tag found in the salary declarations . Optionally, the transmitter can be configured to alway use a given language using a new option added to the Test & Configuration tool.

The list of available languages includes:

Special thanks to Silvia Oriboni from Orion EDP SA and Patrick Jäger from Terna GmbH for heping with the validation of the Italian and German translations.

SwissDecTX 4.01 Certified for SwissDec 4 Directives

Geneva, 23 March 2014

SwissDecTX 4.01 was certified for the SwissDec 4 directives with the QuickSal product from ORION EDP SA .